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What is Vitiligo Skin Disorder & What is Albaquin 20% Monobenzone Cream?

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First, we must investigate deeper into the understanding of what is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is widely recognized by the global medical community as a skin disorder in which a person (the patient) loses normal skin colour. Technically speaking – a person loses normal skin colour as white patches appear that contrast normal skin colour on various parts of the body. If smooth white patches are less than 5 mm in size then they are technically called as macules, when smooth white discolouration of skin occurring in size more than 5 mm, then these discoloured sections on the skin are known as Vitiligo patches. In some recorded cases or documented cases of Vitiligo worldwide the hair colour of Vitiligo patients also tend to loose their natural colour & turn into white colour.
The global medical community recognizes this skin disorder as an autoimmune disorder. In the case of Vitiligo skin disorder, the melanocytes in the skin are destroyed by the body’s own immune system. Melanocytes are recognized as the cells in the skin that produce a pigment called Melanin which are responsible for production of skin colour in the human body. Vitiligo is mainly described as an autoimmune response of the body to different internal & external environmental factors. The global medical community till date has not been able to pinpoint any single external orinternal factor as the single most causative or responsible factor for the occurrence of vitiligo in patients.
General probable causes of Vitligo
The exact causes or causes behind the occurrence of Vitiligo is widely unknown across the global medical community. But, there are a number of varied or different theories that explain the probable causes of Vitiligo in patients worldwide. These probable causes of Vitiligo are categorized as follows: –
  1. Auto-Immune Disorder (Patient’s immune system may develop certain antibodies that destroy the melanocytes in the skin)
  2. Neurogenic Factors (A substance that is toxic to melanocytes that may be released by the body’s immune system at the nerve endings in the skin)
  3. Genetic Factors (One may be genetically predisposed or may have a higher chance to inherent Vitiligo from the patient’s own gene pool)
  4. Self-Destruction Factors (a genetic or inborn defect occurring in the melanocytes that may be responsible for the self-destruction of melanocytes)
  5. External Environmental Factors (Vitiligo may be or could be caused by external environmental events such as continued physical or emotional stress)
All in all, these are the most widely recognized probably causes of the occurrence of Vitiligo in patients worldwide. It is possible that a combination of these probable causes are responsible for the occurrence of Vitligo in patients because no single probable factor is proven or ascertained to cause Vitiligo skin disorder.
The Types of Vitiligo
From the documented cases of vitiligo worldwide the global medical community has categorized Vitiligo Skin disorder into the following types: –
Generalized Vitiligo is where smooth white macules or smooth white patches appear on various parts of the body
Segmental Vitiligo is a type of Vitiligo that is restricted to one section or one part of the body. For example: Vitiligo on the face or appearing on hands
Mucosal Vitiligo is a type of Vitiligo that affects the mucous membranes of the mouth &/or genitals
Focal Vitiligo is a rare type of Vitiligo in which macules measuring 5 mm or less in size appear in a small area of the body & do not spread to other parts of the body within one or 2 years after initial occurrence
Trichome Vitiligo is a type of Vitiligo in which there is a white or colourless center followed by lighter pigmentation which is followed by a normally coloured skin
Universal Vitiligo is another type of rare case of Vitiligo in which more than 80% of surface area of the skin on the body has discolouration or large white patches which lacks the essential skin pigment medically known as melanin or called as melanin.
Is Vitiligo purely inherited?
As informed earlier that there is no single medically confirmed probable cause for Vitiligo occurrence in the body. No, Vitiligo is not necessarily inherited although worldwide documented cases indicate that approximately ~30% of Vitiligo cases are genetically inherited.
The Main Documented Problems Associated With Vitiligo
  1. Higher sensation to burning or tanning in white patches or white macules (the Vitiligo affected areas of the body), because of lack of melanin pigment inside the skin cells or melanocytes that are responsible to produce a skin pigment called melanin for uniform skin colour of the body.
  2. Observed or documented cases of Vitiligo that have abnormalities in their retinas (the inner layer of the eyes that contain light-sensitive cells) & some variation of eye colour documented in the irises of Vitiligo patients
  3. People with both with diagnosed Vitiligo & undiagnosed Vitiligo have a higher genetical predisposition or are more probable to get other autoimmune diseases like pernicious anaemia, diabetes, hypothyroidism, Addison’s disease & Alopecia Areata.
  4. Untreated or Undiagnosed Vitiligo patients are more susceptible to psychological distress or social isolation as this skin disorder when left undiagnosed or untreated can make the patient appear different than normal, thus making the patient anxious, irritable & depressed.
Various known methods used for Vitiligo treatment
  • Camouflage Therapy
  • Repigmentation Threraphy using prescribed Corticosteriods
  • Light Therapy
  • Skin Surgery
  • Depigmentation Therapy using prescribed Monobenzone cream
Prescribed “Albaquin”– 20% Monobenzone Cream
Albaquine Cream
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Monobenzone or medically known as MBEH is mainly a prescribed drug used in the depigmentation of Vitiligo skin disorder. Technically Monobenzone is also known as the monobenzyl ether of Hydroquinone.
One of the main treatment therapies of Vitiligo skin disorder is the prescribed application of Monobenzone cream in 20% strength concentration. Worldwide documented cases of Vitiligo have used this prescribed drug for the effective or active treatment of Vitiligo skin disorder.
Monobenzone is specifically prescribed for the active treatment of various types of Vitiligo skin disorder after studying or diagnosing the scale of Vitiligo occurrence in the patients who are suspected or diagnosed with Vitiligo skin disorder.
Worldwide documented cases of Vitiligo patients have shown or delivered satisfactory results of effective depigmentation into normal skin colour or even toned skin colour. The most common notable application of Monobenzone Cream for Vitiligo treatment is 2 to 3 times a day (twice or thrice). However, it is best left to the dermatologist or physician to prescribe the best frequency of application & the duration of treatment for each separate Vitiligo patient. In other words, the frequency of application of Monobenzone Cream may differ as per
the intensity or scale of Vitiligo occurrence on the skin of the Vitiligo patient.
Albaquin – 20% strength Monobenzone Cream is widely prescribed by dermatologists or physicians to treat various forms of Vitiligo skin disorder based on their specific study or diagnoses of each separate Vitiligo patient. Albaquin is available only on dermatologist or physician prescription for the effective or active treatment of Vitiligo skin disorder in known Vitiligo patients or known Vitiligo sufferers.
Albaquin -20% Monobenzone Cream is available for the prescribed treatment of Vitiligo skin disorder in 20 Grams Lami Tube pack with product leaflet on the inside of the pack. The application frequency & the duration of the treatment of using Albaquin – 20% strength Monobenzone Cream is as directed or prescribed by local
dermatologist or local physician, after the study or diagnosis of the patient suffering from Vitiligo skin disorder.
Albaquin – 20% Monobenzone Cream has increasingly been used in the active or effective treatment of Vitiligo skin disorder as a prescribed treatment for the overall treatment & relief from Vitiligo skin disorder.
Albaquin 20% Monobenzone Cream product leaflet has clearly mentioned – The Description of the drug – Albaquin Monobenzone Cream, its action & uses, Administration or Application Guidelines, Medically Known Side Effects & Precautions & Warnings.
The only authentically & medically known use of Albaquin 20% Monobenzone Cream is for the effective or active treatment of Vitiligo skin disorder only, as it is a Scheduled H prescribed cream (drug) to be applied under medical supervision only. The parent company – Puneet Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. is not responsible if this drug is not applied as per the clear directions for application given in the product leaflet or if it is not applied under the medical supervision of a dermatologist or physician.
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